Senetas high-speed encryptors are being used to deliver against the most exacting data network and information security standards for defence and national security organisations worldwide.

High-Assurance Encryption For Defence Network Data

Throughout the ages, the military has gone to great lengths to protect sensitive information. Coded messages (cyphers) have been a part of military communications since the days of the Roman Empire.

The need for security is never more acute than when data is in transit. Today’s military demands high-speed encryption capabilities that enable maximum protection without compromising the speed, performance and availability of their network.

A Military History

Senetas started life creating critical high-speed network encryption solutions for the US government and the US Defence Forces.

Today, Senetas provides the only encryption technology that is certified by all three leading independent, international authorities (Common Criteria, FIPS and NATO) as suitable for government and defence applications.

Senetas high-speed data network encryptors are internationally recognised by the military and the government sector.

Our core expertise is in the protection of government, defence and military information as it is transmitted through their high-speed data networks around the world.

Security Without Compromise

When defence departments and the military transmit sensitive data through high-speed networks, they rely upon encryption solutions from Senetas.

Our high-speed encryptors provide maximum security without compromising network performance. Our near-zero latency solutions ensure encryption doesn’t impact upon bandwidth, speed or scalability.

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