Welcome to the latest edition of The View. Your trusted source for the latest in network data encryption, proactive anti-malware, and secure file-sharing insights, brought to you by Senetas.

Adopting a hybrid approach to post-quantum security
Earlier this year France’s Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI) issued a positioning paper outlining its views on the transition to post-quantum cryptography. Here’s our take on the report and what it means for the adoption of hybrid encryption.
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Why tomorrow’s technologies threaten today’s security
In our latest eBook we take a look in more detail at the quantum computing threat, the need to factor quantum resilience into today’s network infrastructure and some practical strategies to help protect your organisation.

Healthcare data breaches remain a critical concern
The healthcare sector, whether public or private, has long been a prime target for cybercriminals. As an industry, it represents the perfect combination of valuable data and vulnerable systems. It is no wonder healthcare data breaches remain critical.
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Data breach landscape infographic updated for 2022
Check out a summary of up-to-date breach statistics drawn from the latest industry reports from the first quarter of 2022. It includes a section on the challenges of securing data in a hybrid working environment.